Thursday, April 24, 2014

Week 3 Discussion Question

We find out more about Albert's life and family in Hungary. We learn that both of his parents have died because they had a newspaper that "wrote bad things about Hitler and the Nazis." While telling Lily about his family history, he says that "if they loved us, they would not have done that (wrote the newspaper), they would not have bothered with newspapers." Do you agree with Albert? Do you think his parents shouldn't have written the newspaper? Why or why not? Do you think Albert's parents loved him? Make sure to really explain your thinking.

Make sure to answer the question with a RAD response and use details from the text to support your answer. Please check your grammar, spelling, capitalization, and conventions before submitting your response.


  1. I think that Albert's parents should have written the newspaper because it gives their opinion about Hitler and the Nazis because they where doing horrible things I like how they are willing to write bad things about Hitler. Also I think Albert is wrong about his parents not loving him because their his and his sisters patents his mom and dad raised them. Why would his parents not love Albert and his sister!

    1. This is really good I agree that if you and your parents fight a lot but they also love each other would be weird if your parents wrote a newspaper article about a horrible group of people that invade peoples territory. So I agree with you.

    2. I completely agree with you Nicki. It was very brave of Albert's parents to write about the horrible things that Hitler and the Nazi's were doing. As a parent, I understand that Albert's parents did not want him to grow up in the kind of world the Nazi's were trying to create. I sympathize with Albert because no child wants to grow up without their parents but when Albert is older he will understand the noble sacrifice his parents made for both their children and the greater society.


  2. In the book Lily’s Crossing I think that would have been hard to think that your parents didn’t love you because they knew probably that they would have been killed and yet they still did something that made Hitler mad. I don’t agree with Albert though because I can also see why Alberts parents would do that. I mean this horrible guy has taken over your country and if you do something that is not that bad the Nazies will kill you. I think that would make me so mad to live like that and maybe thats why the parents did it. But after thinking about what they have done it was a bad decision for sure. I do think Alberts parents loved him it is just thinking about all Hitler did that would make them mad that they can’t even think how bad of things they did and the risks they took. But it is over so Albert has to decide again if he thinks his parents loved him or didn’t love him.

    1. Rylee, I think your last point is a good one to think about. Albert has the advantage of looking at things now that it is finished. The only thing he can do now is decide the answer to the question: Did his parents really love him? I hope he can see that his parents did love him and did what they thought was best. Not all choices are easy ones to make.

  3. Albert and Lily have really made a connection in these last few chapters. They both have shared with each other very personal stories about their parents they haven't ever shared before. Hearing Albert tell Lily what happened to his parents and his interpretation of the outcome I feel is typical of his age. He is angry and sad that he didn't get to say goodbye and was separated from his sister. He has had a long and scary journey to the US. He thinks if his parents didn’t have the newspaper they would still be together. I believe his parents were brave and courageous and should have written the newspaper. They knew how important it was to spread the word of Hitler and the Nazis. One day he will understand and be proud of his parents for the risks they took. He will hear stories of the war and the terrible things that happened. He will know they loved him by their actions to try and save their home and country.

  4. I think Albert’s parents did love him so they did do the newspaper so they could tell Albert how evil Hitler was. I think they should have did the newspaper because they needed to tell Albert never to go near Hitler ever. I do think Albert’s parents love him. If they did not love him why would they tell him not to go near Hitler.

    1. Now that I heard your opinion I now change my mind about my answer because I would of thought that Albert’s parents could have told him in person not on the newspaper. I really like this it gives good detail and really explains the questions clearly.

  5. I don’t agree because Albert’s parents wrote bad things about Hitler and the Nazis and that was a easy way of going to a camp or dieing. In world war 2 it was easy to go to jail or a camp. I think think Alberts parents shouldn’t have done that because they would still be with Albert and the saying “If you can’t say something nice don’t say it at all.” They may have not heard of that but the should have thought about Albert if they do that there punished and can’t see Albert anymore but if they didn’t do that they would still be able to still see Albert and be happy they have a son. I think Albert’s parents didn’t love him that much because if they didn’t do that they would have to live with Albert but since they did do that is kinda shows that his parents didn’t really love Albert because they wrote that newspaper about Hitler and the Nazis.

    1. Meg I disagree I think that Albert’s parent loved him a lot and they were just telling the world how they felt about the situation that they were in that they wanted to let Albert know that Hitler was a very bad person and that Albert shouldn't follow Hitler in what he was doing no matter what happened. I think that they were trying to tell Albert that the family needed to keep moving on no matter what happened to the family from separation to leaving on another behind.

    2. Meg, I can see who much you empathize with Albert and I agree it would be very hard for Albert to understand what his parents did. I can also imagine what a difficult choice Albert's parents had to make because, as you point out, they knew writing about the Nazi's might mean very bad things could happen to them. I bet it was such a hard choice but I think maybe they feared without drastic action their children would not have a chance to grow up at all (might be killed) or be forced to grow up in a cruel and awful world. I think Alber's parents loved their children so very much they took a great risk in hopes of a better world for them.

    3. Meghan, I know it is hard to understand why his parents put themselves in a dangerous situation. I don't believe that his parents did not care about Albert. I think they cared for him and loved him deeply. They wanted to speak the truth and tell others what was really going on. Some people were scared and others were indifferent. Albert's parents wanted to stop what was going on and knew they danger they were bringing to themselves. They wanted a better world for Albert and his sister. We may face tough decisions in life, but we need to stand up to those who are doing wrong and hurting others. That was what Albert's parents were trying to do..

  6. I disagree with Albert because I think that his family loves him as much as they wanted to protect him. They wanted to protect him by writing the newspaper story standing up for what they thought about Hitler and the Nazis. I think that the Albert’s parents should have written the newspaper story because they were standing up for what they thought and what they thought was important to them. I think that Albert’s parents loved him a lot but did things to protect their son.

    1. Sarah I agree that Albert's parents loved him very much. They wrote articles in their newspaper because they believed in the freedom to speak freely about injustices carried out by Hitler and the Nazis. They thought by bringing attention to the horrible things they were doing, that others would stand up against them and stop them. In the end, I agree that it was out of love and a desire to protect Albert that his parents spoke out against Hitler.

  7. Sarah, I agree with your comments and observation as I also disagree with Albert conclusions about his parents. For example, for bad men to accomplish their purposes it is only necessary that good men do nothing. Albert's parents were thinking of Albert's future under national socialism and concluded that if they did not take the "risks" to stand up to the oppressive political system, then he (Albert) would not be able thrive in education and future opportunities. His parents understood the risk and provided means for him and his sister to escape, thus they were willing to sacrifice their present circumstance so their children could be free of tyranny. They loved their children and fellow country men and women as well.

  8. I think as a child it is hard to know why parents do what they do. I am sure Albert was confused, angry and sad about what happened to his family. Albert believed his parents shouldn't have written articles in their newspaper disagreeing with what Hitler and his Nazis were doing. He knows that, it is because of what they wrote that his parents were arrested. He believed that they didn't love him enough to stay quiet about their beliefs because if they did his parents wouldn't have done something that would have gotten them in trouble. Unfortunately, in this world there will be trouble and it is up to individuals to stand up for the truth and speak for those who don't have a voice. That is why Albert's parents did what they did. They knew what it might cost them, but they were trying to create e better world for him and his younger sister Ruth. Sometimes love requires sacrifice and sadly, it cost Albert's parents their lives.
